Drying Out !

I hope you've all too dried out following a deluge of a day. Word must have got around Golden-Dog-Lane ' food outside flat 4' , so their were strings of bedraggled visitors to my Bird Feeder : Blackie ( on the wall ), Blue Tit, & Blackie again atop the washing post. I briefly saw a Gold Finch, so I'll look forward to those.
Mrs-Computer-Joy came this morning, having sorted out why I couldn't use Fotor, she also downloaded GoogleCrome, so now I can use the libraries Zinio magazine library. It apparently doesn't like Safari, so Library staff told me.
For those of you who like their photo's pristine sharp, please bear with me : I get so enthusiastic at seeing the birds, all knowledge of the camera falls out of my brain.
Sunshine here now : I hope the rest of you are enjoying it too.

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