On Our Way Home
Backblipped for 3rd June
With a northerly wind we had another very calm crossing and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast before dispersing for various departures from Aberdeen. We strolled to the bus station for the 09.35 departure and it was then I realised I should be looking out for a blip.
At Dundee we were still awaiting arrival of the connecting bus 30 minutes after departure time so the driver, waiting with us, arranged to take one that had been parked. Despite the fact that it was a city bus and not a long-distance coach we all gratefully climbed aboard, piling our luggage in as tidy a heap as possible in the little space provided. Thus we arrived safely in Edinburgh to begin the massive task of interpreting all that we had seen.
I regret not being able to meet Lewis417 but, apart from the one day, we had no way of knowing what free time we would have so it was impossible make arrangements - though we did keep a lookaout for a brown Collie. Next time, (and I'm sure there will be one) we'll make it a priority.
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