A Day To Remember

Today I was wisiting to a sheltered home, which is an accomodation for elderly people who can not cope living their own any more due an illness etc.

Lovely place, light and aerial - a sailplane over the dining room. Expensive too, almost like a hotel. All you need, doctor, pysiotherapist, dining... I will never probably have money enough to live in sheltered home like this!

We were there with my stepmother in the morning, and accepted a rental room for my dad. Later I took my dad visiting there - just the two of us - and we spent 4 hours talking about things over and over again... A Clear-Mind-Day, still best memories told about 12 times during the visit.

I wonder if he remembers anything from the visit In the evening anymore.... But atleast I tried to soften the move.

A Day To Remember.


Additional note:
Day after visit my dad does not remember anymore meeting me yesterday at all. Can be neglecting too. Or feeling safe and let it go. Never mind, maybe some positive thinking dived into his mind... Maybe only feeling not to be thrown away.

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