
By cowgirl

Enough of the meringue already!

So here's some beetroot seedlings instead ( we're still eating the meringue! ).

Can't believe it's midweek so soon and almost mid-June/mid-year! Where has that gone? I'm sure I've been awake and paying attention!

Invigilating the poor sods doing their GCSE's is almost at and end, I have 1 more exam to " do " next Mon and then that's it ... til the retakes! I'm quite getting used to being addressed as " Miss " :-)

By next week Rob will have finished his exams so he'll be on Fossey duty, which all ties up nicely as by the 25th I'll be occupied Mon - Fri with the dog grooming course I'm planning to do ( it's paid for now, so I'd better turn up! ).

Had planned to indulge in an afternoon of Blipmania today, but Sav wants to go to see ... erm, a film whose title I forget but it begins with a P and sounds a bit like promiscuous, which if it was might make it a more interesting film than I fear it's going to be! Might get a Nando's for dinner tho, so there's something to look forward to!

Hope you're all having a nice week and sorry I'm not commenting as much lately. You all take such fab shots I feel I need to say something more than " Fab Shot " but time is not on my side!

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