
By SpotsOfTime

Strange things

... and continuing whimsy ... some may call it a psychotic episode ...
After another long day at Kirkby I decided to develop a persecution complex ... the work has begun at base and the work continues at Kirkby.  No sooner had I settled in than the fire alarm went off, no sooner had that been sorted than the SDS drills started, the phones rang and buzzed and clicked ... I began to twitch. Everything was chaotic and all the staff had a slightly wild look about them ... it's been weeks now out there. I headed home wearily and decided to stretch my legs before it got fully dark ... all was still and I caught sight of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle who was startled to see me and alarmed that her bid for freedom had been discovered. I tried to blip her but she was a blur and in her haste said she was hacked off with the pressure of all that laundry, she had tossed aside her pinny and mop cap and made a run for it. She said she was sick of all the hearty walkers traipsing past her door up Catbells and not only that the Convention was on in Keswick and as everyone knows Peter Rabbit is the true messiah, the Japanese know that and anyway, it's obvious, he can stick a carrot up his nose .... and off she went ...
As I passed the farm, things took an even more sinister turn, the sheep were restless and threatening and there was that hollow darkness in the barn beyond. The light was fading, even the sky was unnerving and I hurried home.
Update on the gnome community ... Ed the epicurean gnome was seen heading over the wire with the last of the bird food ... there was a trail of nuts in his wake (me and learned colleagues mostly, at the end of our tethers watching our sanity disappear into the sunset).

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