
Had to take my car to the garage to repair the parcel shelf and hatchback. I got stuck in the Tatton flower show traffic but thanks to my sat nav I found an alternative rat run. It was going to take a few hours so I went to the nearby garden centre and walked round and round the roses looking for the right one or ones to plant for Simon's memory in the garden. I got a lovely voucher for the hotel next door from the garage so went and had lunch and a sit down. After I got the car back I went straight to the garden centre for the roses I had chosen. Claret and hot chocolate are the names of the roses. A worker told me a third one is on special offer, never one to pass up a bargain I got 'Eyes for you' as well a beautiful pinky purple rose. All smell gorgeous and I got wine and chocolate in memory of Simon, I'm sure he would approve.

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