Wildflower Meadow...

As part of the Dig The City Festival we have all been issued with packets of wildflower seeds to plant in pots. We have to bring them to the festival. They are all plants that attract pollinating insects. The idea is that you can have a pot of beautiful flowers for very little effort that will also benefit the bees and the other pollinating insects. Bees are very important to us as they pollinate a huge amount of our food crops. And they are particularly important to Manchester as they appear on the city's coat of arms. Manchester, like a colony of bees, is a hive of activity.

I was sent mine months ago and planted them up in some terracotta pots. Apart from the occasional watering when God was giving us a sunny day, they have just got on with it. They have just started to bloom the week before the festival and are attracting bees. I'll be taking my pots to St. Ann's Square for people who want to see them.

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