
A brilliant day with Esther - saw loads of Sa Penya people out and about, and saw lots of stuff going on...
Later I went on to Ibiza Rocks to photograph The Libertines - what absolute nutters! One of the craziest nights I've possibly ever had! During their first track, Pete Doherty decided to throw himself off the stage, over the press pit and into the crowd (with his guitar), but noone caught him! For a moment, there were serious concerns he'd gone and done something serious! The security men hauled him out by his feet (those guys worked SO hard tonight)...and blipped is him being helped back onto the stage... Anyway, a gig full of energy, canons, fighting, colour, balloons (not all me!)... Then later we went to the after party at a place called Pike's - infamous in Ibiza and totally's rise to fame began when Wham! filmed Club Tropicana there...So many little rooms with different DJs, there's Karaoke in the bathrooms, upside down flamingoes in the trees, fairy lights EVERYWHERE etc etc...a feast for the eyes! And by 4am I was home - phew - a loooooong day/night! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) More interaction with the Romani guys in Sa Penya.
2) Getting to know people through Ibiza Rocks - met SO many people at Pike's - amazing that so many of them know and love 24-7 Ibiza!
3) Getting home to my bed!

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