Caterpillar and Another Wot Izzit...

..But this is a different one from yesterday :-)

I have been watching this caterpillar for a few days and I'm sure that the oval 'wot izzit?'* wasn't there a few days ago. Neither was all the fuzzy web-like stuff around it.
There is also a little spider hiding in a web-hole on the same leaf.
 The caterpillar is doing a grand job of eating the leaves of the white hornbeam tree it's upon anyway. (It's a moth caterpillar I suspect).

Almost the end of July then... ?

In other news, I'm a l'il bit smug, having posted my (albeit feeble) entry to the Countryfile photo competition :-)
It might scrape in before the deadline.
I opted for first class at 95p rather than the £6.95 which would guarantee (?) delivery!!!
(But at least this year it has actually gone in the post and is not sat on the mat wasting its, and my, time).
It's kind of nice just to join in sometimes isn't it?

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