Listen with your eyes... Listen with your eyes...

Cause when you haven't got any ears, it's kinda difficult. 

I've seen this little bunny, same place every week I have cycled. 

I Took the camera last week, and missed him every day, I thought maybe he had been done for.     The little ear stumps looked red and raw. 

He turned up today, and his ears look less red, so what ever the hell happened to them, they seem to have healed up now, and he has adapted awfully well to being a bunny-no-ears. 

Every time I see him I think about that joke. 

I say, I say, I say, My dog has no nose....

How does he smell...

Pretty awful if you ask me... 

I Say I say I say
My Bunny has no ears...
How does he hear.


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