Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Up ...Up .... and Awayyy......

Thank goodness. 
This car was dumped outside our house 3 months ago. It has taken up a space that either myself or our neighbours from parking our own cars. Some people are so inconsiderate. 
When it had been here for 2 weeks I contacted the council and gave them the details and also found out it was untaxed, therefore uninsured. 
Apparently the council have to wait 2 months and 2 days before they can even touch it. Mind you I kept pestering the council to get it moved and finally today it has been removed. 
I have added a couple of extras to show you how it was picked up off the road. The driver of the lorry just sat in his cab and did all the lifting using the levers in his cab. 
The time it took to do from lining up the lorry to driving away....  5 minutes.

Anyway it has gone and never to be seen again and we have our parking space back at last.

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