A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy

Playing nicely

With an Ofsted inspection looming we've been talking a bit more about how Matthew is doing in terms of the Early Years Foundation Stage of learning. Which all childminders are expected to teach to and record their progress. Social skills haven't been Matthew's strongest area (physical skills and then communication have been the things he's wanted to concentrate on) but we've noticed them improving a lot of late and I love this photo of him exploring a new toy with Ilyas. The boys will be on school holidays from next week!

A very tantrum filled morning apparently - but then he has nowhere near enough sleep last night and was bright and cheerful in the afternoon - and then a bit of a whingy nightmare most of the way home. But the promise to make him a toy road sweeper persuaded him to be nice - and I improvised with megablox, some kitchen scourers and tape and he was delighted :)

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