Happy birthday auntie satah

Started to watch the theory of everything last night, amazing film, had to stop when I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Munch came into our room around 5, she was so good though, leaving Wom to wake up on his own, Wom woke around 6:30.

Git up, dressed, headed off on auntie Sarah's mystery birthday treat.

Went to the safari park. It was quietist, lovely close up experiences of tons of the animals. Had lunch, thankfully had taken a picnic, then headed to the rides. Bought Munchie a toddler wristband and she went in all the rides in her own.

Auntie Sarah bought Wom a cuddly rhino, Munchie chose a snake?!.

A great day, two tired children tonight, Munchie was a tinker going to bed! Missing daddy tonight.

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