Dog days

By RLittledale

Top dog for Tommy's

Those of you who saw the blip for July 4th will know that Bronty has kindly offered his services as mechanical adviser for #richard100 in aid of Tommy's. However, with just 12 days to go until the ride and another £300 to raise, he has taken on the mantle of fundraiser-in-chief. I think you will agree it is a mantle which suits him, setting off his pink tongue beautifully!

Every single day Tommy's are helping out when the miracle of childbirth turns into the nightmare of early miscarriage or stillbirth. Their help takes many forms, from advice and support, to commissioning research centres in some of the UK's finest hospitals.

Today Bronty is helping out by donning the Tommy's top. Can you help by clicking the link below? Thank you.
Donate for #richard100 in aid of Tommy's here

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