
By charisw


Had my ankle surgery yesterday,  just got back home. Good news is that the surgery went well. Bad (or may be not bad) news is that I have underestimated how immobile I will be. I did get myself prepared in advance before i go, i.e. recycling, big grocery shopping, washing etc. Initially I thought I can be back at work like tomorrow, and be able to drive like next week. but NO. The surgeon said i'm unfit to work for at least two weeks. And I feel really bad that I have to rely on people for a lot of things. I don't have family here. But i'm very fortunate that my workmates who are also my friends (and one of which is my flatmate too) are really nice and have offered to help, they have come to visit me at the hospital. One of them has even gone on an extra mile and helped me to call ACC to arrange for post-op assistance. 

And it's such a nightmare that I live in a 3-level house, the entrance and kitchen is level 2. drying is level 3, and my room, laundry and bathroom are all down in level 1 (ground floor). Few of my workmates/friends have offered me to stay at theirs.. I guess I will see how i go here. Am just feeling a lil discouraged that I have to be other people's trouble! bahhhh! 

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