horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Hint of a Fox

Trying to work out how best to get shots of the foxes over the road. The light is terrible in the street (if not 'moody' film noir-esque), but the family are really active. At least three young ones, 5 foxes in total playing on the drive opposite ours. Mum appears to have a limp. Think they're living in the empty house over the way, which has been getting done up, and a few prospective tenants shown around, so I doubt I'll get this chance other than this year. Have pondered sitting out in the car in the street, but that's waaaaaay creepy (though as Mel said, the neighbours obviously know me, they'll just think I'm mad). But shooting them through the window of the bedroom, handholding @500mm and 1/25th, it's a ll a little hit or miss!

Decent day of work today, and at the end of it all managed to get out for a quick 20 mile training ride involving hills and headwinds. But at least I didn't headbutt any telegraph poles like poor old Geraint Thomas.

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