
By Bizonderimage


Staying in our old home in England, house has been rented out so we are planning some love and care to make it our own again. It was raining but I needed some fresh air so I went for a walk on a route we used to go on years ago. Climbed the stile and into the first field when a herd of maybe 20 young cows ( maybe even young bullocks) spotted me, as one they started to run towards me, not fancying to wait and see what they wanted I also ran and jumped over the nearest gate into the next field. Now I was trapped and could not go back, so altered my route to another old walk I kind of remembered, but apparently not well enough as I eventually ended up on the wrong side of a fence - barbed wire and electric fence of course. Still no option but to climb over to get back to the route, I tested the electric cable carefully with the back of my hand, no jolt so must be turned off, so I put my leg over the fence and hop over, unfortunately my leg hits another wire and I get a massive shock on the inside of my thigh, leaving two little red rashly burns even through my jeans. Maybe next time I'll just stay at home

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