
Back to work today.  Our new team administrator (who I'll be managing) started today, too, so I spent pretty much the whole day talking her through everything.  It's exhausting, and my throat is now very croaky.  She's probably sick of hearing my voice, too, but there is just so much to impart.

Got into work early (as I'd stupidly told her to get there earlier than I normally start - which admittedly is rather late), and stayed a bit later this evening, too.  Not much in the way of photo opportunities today, so this was a quick blip on my way home - not a great photo, but a lovely green alleyway nonetheless.

Cooked dinner before Tim went off to his committee meeting.  Heard a great song on the radio while I was cooking, which gave me a real lump in my throat and meant most of the rest of the evening was spent checking out this band (Bear's Den) and a couple of other similar bands :)  

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