A last little stroll..

around Stoke Newington this morning. Very aware that the girl probably won't still be living here next time I visit , the financial constraints of single motherhood and the necessity of having a place to herself means this nice area is a bit beyond her means. For now.
So there'll be a new area to explore...

It's been good re-connecting with London. I feel as though I properly got to grips with it this time. 
The family left when I was a child in the sixties and much was made of having got us 'out of London' as if away from something monstrous and terrible. But i find it isn't like that at all, crowded and busy yes, but also well organised, tolerant, and, at least on the surface, peaceful.
But I am starting to yearn for wide open spaces. And it seems I have heard every language and accent on the streets but Irish,  so I am ready to go home. 

I set off about lunchtime. The heat and noise had started to get to me and so it was lovely to arrive back this evening into cool fresh Eire,  as green as green can be, and the air so clean....

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