Back to Work....

After a very busy weekend it was back to work today.

I was caught up in a major traffic jam this morning heading into Edinburgh and later found out there was a fatality on the M8.

So sad!

To think of leaving your house one morning for work and not returning doesn't bear thinking about.

I finally made it into Edinburgh for about 10:45 for a meeting at Chesser.

After that I had to hotfoot it over to HMYOI Polmont for a site meeting before returning to the home office to catch up with emails, etc.

Looking to get started on Ls bedroom refurbishment today/tomorrow as well.

Re last nights ten pin bowling, I should take a two week break more often!

166 average over 5 games and I felt really good bowling....bring on the start of the new season!!

I also managed a sneaky wee 5km run as part of my HM training.

Tried to run it fast and managed it in just over 25 mins.

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