Zim roads
Zimbabwe is renown for the quality, or lack thereof of it's roads.
The trip to Bulawayo is mainly on a single track road full of potholes, it's said that you're drunk if you are driving in a straight line. Much of the time is spent on the sand at the side of the road.
So far, the trips to town have been a tour of the various hard ware stores and maybe a stop for coffee at Bradfield shopping centre (the cinnamon swirls are fantastic and only 36 cents). The various hard ware stores have had me feeding in their car parks, Halstead's car park (twice, Monarch the steel merchants - once), Halsteads timber merchants just a nappy change. Oh, and Bradfield car park a good few times.
Travelling with a baby here is also slightly different, no need for car seat and the boy spends most of the day in my arms. As soon as we are stopped at a police road block and they see Alex, they become all sweetness and light, despite our traveling arrangements! All quite alien.
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