
By BadgersmoonWA

Morgan's 4,000 Mile Odyssey

Morgan is the step-daughter of my longest friend in the States, she is part of a team of bike riders from Texas who are spending the summer riding from Austin, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska to raise funds for cancer research and support for families with cancer.  This is an annual event and this year has 3 routes, Morgan is doing the Sierra route and she said it's actually closer to 5,000 miles all told.  She passed through Olympia on the 16th and I spent a little time with her before her next leg.  She is truly amazing.  I can't fathom getting up every day for 70 days to ride 50-80 miles a day over some rough terrain.  During the early days of the ride she shaved her head and donated her hair to Locks for Love.  Wishing Morgan and her team mates all the best for the remainder of their journey.
If you are interested in learning more about the Texas 4000 and see Morgan's interview, here is the link.

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