Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Veni Vidi Vici

{Meet Mrs. Zippy.  She came for a visit yesterday!}

...then I went back to bed and slept until noon.

But it was a great way to see a Saturday come in.  Of course, today is Sunday,  but I didn't realize that until my mom called and woke me up.  I wish she would have called to see if I was oversleeping before it was too late to go to Mass at 9:00 am.

I probably would have had to beg off anyway.   I'm having one of my days when I can't seem to stay awake.  It happens about once a month. By keeping a sleep log I see the pattern.  It's pretty odd.  Just add that to the things that make me  unique and special.

Nine sleeps until the flight to Buffalo!  I got all of mom's portable oxygen concentrator arrangements finalized.  I made the decision to not bring my serum tears with me on the trip. I'll simply pack enough OTC eye drops and try to get by with those. Carrying 40 lbs. of oxygen equipment for mom will be enough without the hassle of carrying a small cooler with three syringes of a blood product on ice.  

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