
Lazy early morning and dog walking delegated.

I headed to the allotment to weed and plant out the cabbages.

Everyone else's plots are looking great and everything is growing, mines must be a month behind. A pleasant couple of hours.

Sadly we were informed that Stuart had passed away this morning. He was my neighbour in the allotments at the top end, and was just a good guy. The Deacon Blue song 'Dignity' always comes into my mind with Stuart as he cleaned the local streets with his handcart and took great pride in how clean the streets were. Instead of a boat he had his allotment which he loved and it was his escape.

Almost finished the chicken run, will try and get the hens next week.

The girls requested that these bibs were washed as the scent was not to their liking, when they get wet they stink.


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