It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

The Adorable Jess...

I had arranged almost a year ago with Jess's Mum Rachel that we would have a photo shoot day at Snowshill Lavender. And what a great day it was!
I also took my mum in law Patsy with us too and it was a super day full of giggles and fun. Jess was brilliant considering she was afraid of Bees!  We had a couple of teary moments but that was soon soothed away with the help of this magic sun brolly I bought her. 
Thanks to the girls for making a wonderful day and I got to take Jess's portrait for her Mum and Dad to keep. In fact I have rather a lot of excellent shots of her bless her. She was an angel.
Extras --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Draco Dragon xx

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