Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

All done

Finished, well mainly until the brackets for the glass shelves come in. Might have to order some more / different ones. Turns out that the new shelf holders Ikea have designed require the doors to be removed for you to get the shelves in. Note exactly easy to alter or user friendly. The old ones were much better.
J spent the morning arranging the books in the bookcase to get the remainder in, while I went out to get some bits for the shelving in the shed. Now have some shelves in the shed.
Fixed the garden furniture so we were able to have cheese on toast outside in the garden for a late lunch. Rock and Roll. First time we have eaten outside in our own property for 7 years.

Went down to Portie for a late swim with J, SC and SR. Bit choppy when we got in but still managed 1.75K. Hot choc after before coming home for tea.

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