Hallo my Guinea Pig Friend

This morning we all went to Stigsnæs for a walk on the beach and home through the woods. It was lovely.

I had some things that needed to be done, before I'm back at work tomorrow, which I sorted, when we came home, whilst the dogs slept.

Then a coffee before an afternoon walk. 

I decided to introduce Gollum to the Guinea Pigs, whilst he was still tired from his walk, as I thought he would be a bit calmer, after having used most of his excess energy. He was being rather good, but not exactly calm. He was friendly, but so excited to meet this new friend that he soon landed in the water bowl and both Gollum, Brunch the Guinea Pig and myself were wet through. Silly Gollum!

Next time, he gets to meet one of the Guinea Pigs, I will remove the water from the puppy pen to save us all from drowning :-D

Happy Sunday, Blipland
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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