
By charisw


I feel so naughty (and gutted) that I have missed a blip yesterday. I have actually taken a photo. I went to a workmate's farewell drinks, offered myself to be the sober driver for two of my workmates/friends..didn't end up getting home till past 12am, and missed the blip chance for yesterday. But I guess at least my workmates/friends got home safe and sound right! Oh well

Had a full-on chores/errands day today. I'm actually feeling fairly tired now. Went to Whakatane to pick up the TV we bought on trademe. On my way home, I took a photo of this at Lake Rotoma. I drive past this all the time, have always been wanting to take a photo at this spot, finally got it! would be keen to go back and explore more photo opportunities. 

Now, question: I like both a color and black and white version of this photo, which would do you prefer? would be great to hear your opinions :) Ta

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