Brushes Gallor!

I have no idea what this crazy caterpillar is (or will become), but it sure did remind me of artist's brushes. :)  

I couldn't decide which shot I liked better.  So I just closed my eyes and picked one... The other is in the extras spot. ;-)

Edit:  I originally found this guy in an awkward spot on my chive plant.  It wasn't going to make a pretty image, so I coaxed it onto the branch and moved it over to a better spot.  After taking my images, I went inside to see them on the computer.  As per usual, I wanted another crack at it... But the little bugger was nowhere to be found.  

Now, about an hour later, I did see it again.  It was back on the original chive plant, over 5 feet away from where I had left it!  There are lots of plants and obstacles in-between those two spots, I guess the chives are it's kind of food.  ;-)

I found that kind of interesting...  Things that happen in the insect world are much more purposeful than I give them credit for sometimes.

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