'Buzz' the Bumble Bee
With a name like "Buzz", I would have assumed that this bee was male ... but it seems that the jury is out in reference to this little critters' gender ... ??
My first guess was male, although information taken from various web pages suggest otherwise ??
For example -
"Is the bumblebee male or female?
You can tell this by the time of year because you will only see male bees in late summer and autumn whereas female bees can be seen all year from early spring to autumn.
You can also tell whether a bumblebee is male or female by looking at its legs. If you see a big clump of pollen on a bee’s leg then it is a female bee because male bees do not collect pollen."
Either way, it was a bit of luck that I managed to capture it on camera at all, because I was only killing time for a few minutes and thought I'd snap a picture of the flower ... :o)
And ... I even managed to get a reasonable shot of the sunrise this morning ... So it was a toss up between 'The Sun', or 'The Bee' ... (the bee won by a sting) ... :o)
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