Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Well, not exactly - more like zooming.  

As I was working in the garden this morning, I suddenly developed two large "floaters" in my right eye.  No pain, no flashing lights, but concerning enough to put a call into my opthalmologist.  He is on vacation but called me right back and referred me to a retinal specialist who I am seeing in about a half hour.  Suspect that I may have a torn retina.  Not serious if caught quickly, so I'm not concerned - but it does somewhat derail my plans for the rest of the day.  Hubs is taking me to the doctor since I won't be able to drive after.  I'll stop back later with an update, but fully expect to be just fine.

Meanwhile, you get an e-hummie blip!  Can't beat that, can I? (Probably should have done a better job cropping to get rid of some of the flowers, but one of the floaters looks like a spider dangling next to my head and it's very distracting!)


Post script... Ophthalmologist diagnosed a vitreous detachment which is not uncommon as we "mature" and does not require treatment.  The floaters should be less noticeable within a few weeks.  I will follow up in about six weeks but expect all will be fine.  Very happy!  Now sitting in a dark room waiting for my pupils to go back to their normal size!

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