
Those of you already living in Argyll will be well familiar with our crappy pot-hole ridden, sometimes narrow roads! To add to our misery we also have to contend with these beauties. They normally require several police escorts (at some cost no doubt) then two more of their own escort vehicles with walkie talkies. Usually they are also followed by about 20 frustrated cars, vans and smaller lorries following like a funeral cortege behind them. Then they come to our stupid mini roundabouts which they are allowed to drive over! add to that the bridge at the Crinan canal in Ardriishaig which some of them frequently find themselves wedged in and you can understand our annoyance.
To be fair some of these Goliaths go by sea so it could be worse. The thing is we have hundreds of miles of wide forrest tracks all over Argyll that could take these things eaisly and thus not affect other road users. When is this stupid country going to start getting our infrastructure sorted?
Im sick of hearing all this squabbling about Independance and in the right mood I am all for it but before we break away from our supposed shackles, would it not make more sense to bleed as much dosh out of Westminster as possible to get some of our road & pathetic rail network sorted. I know the counter arugemnet is they wont give us the bloody money in the first place but those political parties agin Ini could have done more when they were in power! instead of mouthing off how badly off we will be. Frankly I dont care how it -pans out...all I want is decent roads! And Finally, note the name Siemens! Remove one letter and this looks like a test tube full of ..wankers! End of rant!
Happy blipping

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