
The day started with a run in with school over unauthorised absences. Apparently Lily wasn't at school on 19th June, I didn't ring in to explain her absence and didn't answer the school's calls.

Unfortunately for school, I clearly remember 19th June (about the only day this term I can but my Mum's birthday) and asked where exactly my daughter had been that day as both MrRoly and I were under the impression she was in their care having dropped her off and picked her up...

Home to write a glowing reference for a friend then off to Cornwall College in Pool with my friend Mike for an informal interview for studying AAT Level 4 there. We were both impressed.

Back in time to collect Mickey John and the small 2 to go to Helston Hospital for an eye appointment - last time Mick couldn't drive due to some eye drops, typically they didn't do it this time!

Back for a quick tea then the GP for Red and Bella to have their ears looked at. Bella's are fine, Red's are a bit red - we have a prescription written for antibiotics as the GP pointed out that it's Friday tomorrow so he will definitely be worse about 5am on Saturday if he didn't write the prescription. Fingers crossed having the bit of paper will be treatment enough!

Onto Sea Scouts and Trago cafe - there was obviously far more wind as they shot out into the harbour. Fortunately there was a film crew filming something on North Quay we could watch - we even went down but I didn't recognise anyone (sadly no Ross Poldark :-( ).

Now awaiting the arrival of MrRoly - the M5 ground to a halt at Bristol followed by many blue flashing lights, the air ambulance and them being turned back up the motorway. A sad night for someone.

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