Guy's Cliffe

I cycled to Saxon Mill today as I have really missed the area. I had to wait until 6pm since it was drizzling outside. I got a nice time cycling towards the area and got a good shot of the foliage in between the River Avon (very bubbly as always!) and Guy's Cliff at the far background. As i was taking several photos on the bridge, I saw this poster about a tour of Guy's Cliff at 8.20GBP for two hours. I am thinking of joining one in the future. Im just gonna have to cycle there again then.

I got rained down as i was heading back to the house. I wasnt drenched but it definitely was very annoying to have droplets of rain all over my face. It was a nice experience though since i got caught by the rain while i was cycling on the aqueduct which crosses over the River Avon. The droplets as it touches the canal and the view of the fields being rained down was just fantastic. I only kept mental images of these things as I was hesitant to take out my camera (dslr and water do not mix well!).

Please see extra photos for two more. The photo with the old couple were feeding the ducks some stale bread before they headed and walked towards where I was also heading.

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