Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Early morning wake up call

2:30 am and crack!
I'm amazed no-one from chch mentioned it.We were close to it and it sure felt like it. Its an amazing feeling, some people must be used to it, I don't know, it feels like something is brewing down there. Deep in sleep mode and out of nowhere, the whole house is jerked into life.10 seconds and I thought this one was going to be a goodie. Things fell over this time, too dark and cold to worry too much. Looked for liquification. None. Phew.Julie made a few text messages to home aloners.not too stressed,back to sleep?
It was only a 4.2, Really? We must live on shit land then. Come to the party Gerry . Too low of a magnitude for insurance to worry about, I sure do.

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