Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Trouble finds me


I don't go looking for it. It finds me. Every day.

Yesterday aprecious* bought me a new harness because my old one was getting frayed from where I'd chewed it as a young and immature pup. She adjusted the harness and put it on me. Fit perfectly. 15 quid well spent.

I don't know what came over me. I chewed it. Straight through. In about 25 seconds. I didn't mean to - I was just checking it was secure and that it worked properly! It didn't!

I'd take it back. Harness manufacturing isn't what it used to be. I tried to say this with my pleading eyes but all I got was the nostrils flaring and a squinty 'I am disappointed in you' look. A 'you don't know the sharpness of your own teeth' look.

And, that on top of my breaking into Moomin Cat's room and stealing her food again. The trouble is, I know where it is. That's like saying to aprecious there is ice cream in the freezer but don't eat it. She won't accept this. She says ice cream rules are different to cat food rules. Because the ice cream actually belongs to her. But how can a poor, starved dog work out these subtle nuances around food and who it belongs to?

Double standards. That's what it is. Double. Standards.

*It was Snotty. aprecious says to say when has she let the truth get in the way of a good story?

Righto, am going to attempt to be a good student today. Laughing. A lot.

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