
By loisbiz


This looked like a chipmunk as it ran across the fence into the pine tree to get a pinecone which he sat and ate like an ear of corn! In this shot he is about halfway through with it; but in this shot he looks more like a small squirrel. It is very small, about 5 inches of body and 2 inches of tail. Now I am not sure. But whatever he is, he gave us several hours of entertainment. He worked on the pinecone in spurts, he pulled, he tugged, he twisted and finally got it off; then he ran to a safer perch to eat it. I have never seen them eat a whole pinecone so completely clean! Adorable little guy.

Still at the beach on this day. I am catching up slowly with blipping my shots for each day at the beach without internet. Home on Tuesday (actually today, since I am posting this late). I will post my shot for today later today.

The extras are him when he finally got the cone off and took off with it.

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