The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Absolutely bloody incensed!

How dare that stupid, inhumane arse of a man behave like some sort of spineless bully?

I am so peed off, I can't tell you. Cameron has a tantrum because the SNP aren't playing his game and won't support his sick ambition to reintroduce fox hunting .. so refuses to play any more until he can change the rules to prevent them from spoiling his sick fun.

Can you believe one of their justifications for reintroducing fox hunting is that it keeps the fox population healthy, by putting poor sickly foxes out of their misery - by humanely ripping them limb from limb with hounds.

Apparently his evil plan may not work after all - he wants to exclude the SNP from voting by the introduction of EVEL (English votes for English Laws) .. but it transpires that won't prevent them at all, though he could prevent them voting, not by 'softening' the 2004 Act .. but by introducing and entirely new Hunting Act.

I'm not a political person, so please correct me if I've got this stuff wrong - but I've been following it as closely as I can and feel I've got to grips with it reasonably well.

Please, please sign this petition - asking for/demanding a public referendum for the people of the country to decide whether fox hunting (and this also affects hares and deer) should be reintroduced or not ..

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