
By keithyboy

Here's an old one I found

As I haven't really been near a camera in 2 weeks, it seemed time to dig through the archives and find something I missed along the way. This is a shot from April when I went night shooting under a nearly full moon. At the time I was unhappy with this shot because the tree wasn't exactly how I wanted it. Looking back, that was a ridiculous decision to make. 

How am I? I'm a bit run down, there's lots of sickness going around but my days off are filled with garlic and ginger and organic food (except perhaps the odd bit of milk chocolate). Sleeping and going to work are about all I manage otherwise. Even days off are spent sleeping, last week all I managed to do was get out of bed for physio and stay awake for 5 hours at the most. Things were a little different this week but my lack of sleep yesterday was made up for by a 5 hour deep sleep after dinner.

I heard from Dad today, he said Alistair Grant had passed. Another sad loss and another that seems to have touched dad. Another reminder to appreciate what we have and enjoy life. That's why I started to blip in the first place. 

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