
The theme today is autumn.  A little easier to wrap my head around as I enjoy the dog days of summer.  I do like autumn and have been working on just enjoying it and not thinking about impending winter.  There are things about autumn that take my breath away in both happiness and sadness.

I wrote this poem about a year and half ago:

Sweet October

Sweet October, made sad.  
The month you loved with pumpkins, apples, cinnamon, 
white chocolate coffee, cider and pumpkin whoopee pies.  
Leaf kicking and football, World Series Red Sox.
                         You loved them all.
You left us then to remember and recall.
Miss you when this month comes more than usual, 
sometimes more than I can stand.
One day, one hour, one minute of distraction, diversion, derangement.
Where is November?

Many thanks to Irunlykagirl

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