A year of adventure

By sjones

How do you drive this thing?

Mum and Dad were out this evening so Michael and I took RUmble for a walk along the seafront and on the way back we stopped for ice cream at McDonalds.

Rumble is really good in the car and will stay on the floor in the footwell (where she is allowed to sit for short journeys- long journeys she goes on her car harness in the back) until you stop the car and put the handbrake on and don't move for a while. She jumped up on Michaels lap and then wanted to climb over onto mine. I let her as we weren't moving at all. She sat on my lap facing forwards and then put her paws up on the wheel. So Michael got this photo of her looking cheeky. The funniest thing was she held onto the wheel with her paws and kept looking forwards as if she was concentrating. Daft Dog!

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