Roman Leisure Centre

We're back on the trail of the Ancient Romans in Britain - just for a few days. We headed through Wales and Anglesey to Holyhead on the Holy Island. This is as far as the Romans came - the very edge of their Empire. 

This photo, though, is from a stop en route while still in England, in Wroxeter - Roman Viroconium. As the sign in front of this amazing wall explains ...

"This part of the baths has survived since AD 121. It is one of the largest pieces of Roman wall still standing in the country, and is traditionally known as 'The Old Work'.

The use of small squares stones, laid with the occasional bonding courses of tile is typically Roman. Most of the holes are left from the original timber scaffolding, so-called 'put-log holes'."

(Across the road, by Watling Street, we also had a look round a modern building project - a Roman house built by modern builders, using only Roman-type methods and tools. I remember watching the Channel 4 TV series on the project some years ago, but didn't realise this was the location of said house: a bonus! But the real Roman remains were more impressive.)

Lovely coastline around Holyhead. Seen lots of lovely birds and flowers, brightening a cloudy, showery day. Our mobile phone provider, O2, thinks we're abroad. So do we!

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