Life on the edge...

By bru22

Bear Boxer...

Lazy day...

Woke up late...

Popped into school to get ticket for my Mum and Dad to come and see Les Miserables next week... Which is a surprise as I didn't think they would actually come... happy I did wonder how long it would take Mum to crack listening to me practicing in the house...

Drove home... Rolled around with the dog for a while...

Then went to teach...

Had my two ace pupils in Stonehaven today which was great.

Then came back home...

Had a bath... + a shower to try and ease off my back which is killing me... Pain killers to the max...

Popped into see "Mummy2", Lynne... Who had a visit from her Son and Bella his new 8 week old Labrador Andrex!!! pup! CUTE.

Now down with AngelaBoo, MurphyPoo + Sailor Jerry!!

Feeling a bit weird today...

Read an email I shouldn't have on the home computer... Dad in a lot of pain... My eyes kept reading... So now I'm a little worried but I'm sure he will get sorted soon. At least he Is doing something about it + admitting it to someone as I think as Dad's are he is very good at always being "fine"... I reckon if my Dad's left arm fell off he would still be "fine". SuperDad!


"I wish I was a fixer
I would fix you up inside
I would build you a town if the world fell down
I wish I was that guy"

Jason Mraz

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