Highs & Lowes

We celebrated the marriage of our gorgeous friends, Ben & Katie (Lowe) today - the ceremony was in a stunning parish church, with chiming bells as we left the church...then on to a beautiful reception with fantastic company and delicious food. SOOOOOO good to catch up with people from our brief but wonderful Guildford days.
Asha was OBSESSED with Katie all day...I'd forgotten how magical it all is when you're little... They catered amazingly for kids...they'd made a box of gifts for each child, disposable camera with challenges of things to snap, colouring, stickers, colours, chocolate...fabulous Plus a kid friendly menu - Asha was delighted by everything! And then to top it all off, she got to dance ALL NIGHT, some of it with the bride - she was in heaven (Asha, not Katie!).
I've chosen this blip instead of focussed better pics, as I liked all the couples, and Ben & Katie there....plus Asha in the foreground with our friend Lilli...

Today I'm grateful for (so many things);
1) Friendship with Ben & Katie....He was our Spanish teacher whilst we were in Guildford.
2) Asha's delight at everything today...
3) Time with Guildford friends. Bliss. 

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