Feeding the ducks

I was up early as we needed to leave by7.30am to get the car into Inverness for it's service. I'm glad I was up as a Roe Deer and her fawn were in the field. So hard to get a shot in focus though because as soon as they see you they are off.
On the way to Inverness we saw a group of about 10 bikers all dressed as Super hero's from Spiderman to Supermn who was lagging behind, their capes flying behind them.
Mike dropped me at the station and met me later. We went to M&S for breakfast and I enjoyed scrambled egg and salmon on a Slice of Bloomer with a cup of tea .
I do nt normally like shopping but todays trip was successful with a few new tops, a present for my Auntie, Walking sandals, shampoo and a bear from Ness.
We walked up to the castle and watched a young gull practising flying making that irritating call as it flew.
We sat and enjoyed the view down the River Ness and walked next to the river, through Ness Islands and on to the Floral hall to have lunch and a wander through the gardens. It had started to rain  but it did nt spoil our day. The gardens looked really colourful especially the meadow area.
On the way back I walked past some mallard ducks that were very disappointed when I did nt have anything to eat for them but they were happy when this gentleman , one of the fisherman gang came over and started feeding them.

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