
from the beautiful Love in a Mist for Mono Monday (Autumn) hosted by irunlykagirl :)

Such a dreich dark day here, so I put off even going out for a coffee...

I have cancelled a couple of subscriptions I have, one being for the Photography Magazine I get as I really have to tighten the belt a bit...

I've tried to talk to the job centre, but ended up emailing them because the stupid 'talking machine' didn't understand my request for more information about JSA.  As yet I have no reply, so I think they are probably just as useless as they were the last time...  I feel sorry for the local office who are actually quite good at their jobs....

I've applied for a few jobs and put my CV onto a few websites so here's hoping!

Early days yet...

Housework here I come :)

In other news, I can't believe that my duck and cygnet of Saturday are now on the top row of the second page of Popular :)  Thank you all!

Happy Monday folks :)

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