"Go back my Lord, there's TWO of them!"

As an antediluvian joke terminates.

I said, once today, elsewhere:-
"First job of the day - throw a handful of seed out for the feral winged rats.
While at it I spotted this "Bummly" on a cabbage leaf.
Second job - rescue said Bummly. Took on board, smeared paw with honey.
Behold the result. You can see the tongue licking away like mad.
" I kept checking on the Porridge - nearly done, park bummly on the
"Buddleja, or Buddleia", during which exercise I spotted Bummly #2 going up the wall - literally.

Parked #1 on Buddleja, with another dab of honey & anointed the wall with a little more for #2

#1 hung about for 1/2hr or so then fell to the ground - didn't seek it.
#2 vanished, hopefully refueled, and hopfully still with nicely stuffed jodhpurs still full.

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