
By CharlotteJ

Mr LooseCanon!

Thank you LooseCanon - you are a genius!  For those wanting to quickly back up their blips with their words to each photo follow this -

This is how:
download Backblip software at
It allows you to download your images and includes a browser of your downloaded journal and the ability to create a pdf of your journal
It will only run under Windows but is quite happy using Parallels/Windows running on a Mac
1) Downloads into database where the images and information can be browsed offline.
2) You can determine the quality of downloaded images
3) Incremental backup means you can run it again and only download new entries
4) New whizzy user interface
5) Ability to export your journal in a variety of formats including PDF
6) Browser view shows your images against a black background
Run the software, once it is downloaded open the software put in your blip username
Click on 'Get Journal'
then watch your images upload
Once completed, may take some time, depend on size and number of years you have been a blipper click on Export to PDF and hey presto all your images with your words saved!
LooseCanon is happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement but quite frankly, this is an amazing bit of software!!


Other news - my ankle has swollen to a size of a golf ball!!!!! 

These are the cherries in my garden....I am not allowed to remain on my feet today - soooooo annoying, so I have not ventured far today

I have a slight hangover from last night!


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