
As I was returning with the car from the supermarket sweep I heard the cry "hey, Scouserbollox". There are only two people in the world call me that so I knew who it was before I turned round. Didn't expect to see them on their bikes. However, it's just a few weeks before their mammoth ride to raise funds for CRY so the pair of them are getting some miles in their legs. This was about half way around their 70 mile circuit. Mrs S was as chuffed as me to see the pair of them and we had a quick catch up while replenishing them with mugs of tea and apple & cinnamon cake.

Duly fortified I waved them off and grabbed a blip before attending to the tree in the garden that had been hit by lightning while we were away. Needed some severe branch lopping but should be ok.

Then it was time for spicy sausage pasta and a quick bike ride of my own. In between Mrs S picked up Fat Boy and Slim from the dog hotel and they've both collapsed in their basket, must have been a wild holiday.

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