Ouchy ouch ouch

I think Munchie is having a growth spurt, she is so accident prone at the moment. The bruise on her forehead is from Thursday, her knees are covered in bruises and she is pointing to her chin which she boucned off the table!

Day started at 3:30, yes that does say 3:30, Wom is teething, again, and he really made sure that I knew about it. He screamed, howled, sobbed, just couldn;t and wouldn't settle. At 4:45 I gave in and took him into our room, by 6am I was downstairs with both of them whilst daddy slept. Once daddy was down (around 8:30) I snuggled on the sofa with the duvet. Lee left for shooting once Wom was in bed and Munchie had snuggled up with me.

Popped to red and green shops (Wilko and Waitrose) forgot things from both shops and got absolutely drenched! Sat in the car and laughed, Munch thought I had gone mad.

Lunch then popped to the fruit farm for a change of scene, it was heaving, spolilt by people chasing the chicks trying to hold them.

Home for yummy tea of burgers, baths, bed, work and then early night for me. Only three more get ups!

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